
La interpretación de los cuantificadores algunos y batzuk ‘algunos’ por parte de niños monolingües (español/euskera) y bilingües (euskera-español)


This study takes as participants 13 Basque dominant Basque-Spanish bilingual children (mean age=5;07), and compares their results with those of Spanish/Basque monolingual children and with adults (Spanish/Basque) as controls. A sentence evaluation task was employed, in order to (1) test their knowledge about the semantic-pragmatic meaning of the quantifiers algunos and batzuk ‘some’ and to (2) compare (i) bilinguals’ interpretations with those of
monolinguals, and (ii) bilinguals’ interpretations in their two languages. Results showed similarities (i) between monolinguals and bilinguals and (ii) between the two languages of bilinguals. The similarities found between the child groups (Antoniou et al. 2013, Syrett et al. 2017) seem to obey to the strong developmental pattern attested crosslinguistically (Noveck 2004, Katsos et al. 2016), rather than to the (presence or absence of) bilingual convergence in the acquisition of weak quantifiers.