
English achievement and student motivation in CLIL and EFL settings

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching

Motivation is a complex psychological construct regarded as one of the determinant factors in successful foreign language learning, which is why it regularly comes to the fore when trying to explain individual differences among language learners. In fact, one of the main objectives of many foreign language teachers in classrooms the world over is to increase student motivation, so that pupils may acquire a good command of English, the current main lingua franca. Whilst many studies have been devoted to the role played by different orientations in this process, this paper focuses on the effect of the approach used in the foreign language classroom. Thus, attention is paid to the relationship between motivation and the language proficiency attained through two different approaches, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) among 191 secondary school students. The results confirm the benefits of CLIL from both a motivational and a language competence perspective.