
English medium instruction: Global views and countries in focus

Ernesto Macaro, Anna Hultgren, Andy Kirkpatrick, David Lasagabaster.
Language Teaching

English-medium instruction (EMI) programmes are proliferating at great speed in European universities, although their spread varies considerably from country to country. In this presentation I am going to focus on Spain, one of the southern European countries in which EMI is more widespread at pre-university than at university level. In the introduction I will start by briefly making reference to the European context before concentrating on Spain. After the introduction, the following three sections will revolve around the three components that, according to Spolsky (2004), make up language policy: language planning, language practices, and language beliefs. In these three sections I will pay particular attention to how EMI is affecting the three university bodies: faculty members, students, and administration personnel. In the fifth section I will refer to the research studies undertaken so far with a view to evaluating the impact of EMI on English proficiency, content learning, and L1 academic literacy.