
The study of language learning in multilingual education: students’ perceptions of their language learning experience in Basque, Spanish and English

María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet.
International Journal of Multilingualism

This paper focuses on teaching techniques for language learning asrelated to student satisfaction on multilingual compulsoryeducation in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), whereBasque and Spanish are official languages and English is taught asa foreign language. Using a multilingual approach, the paperdiscusses similarities and differences between the relationshipsfound for the teaching techniques and the satisfaction levels inthe three languages (Basque, Spanish and English). The results ofthe T-test analysis show significant differences between the threelanguages in the use of teaching techniques and levels ofsatisfaction. Additionally, the patterns of relationship between theteaching techniques and the language learning satisfaction levelsshow some weak relationship in the three languages, beinglearner-centred teaching techniques related to satisfaction levels.Results are explained according to some assumptions in languageacquisition, and related to the context of the study. Finally, wediscuss some opportunities for language teaching in multilingualcontexts with a minority language.