Research staff

María Orcasitas-Vicandi

María Orcasitas-Vicandi is an associate professor in the Department of English and German Philology, Translation and Interpretation at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. She studied English Philology and postgraduate studies (European Master’s Degree in Multilingual Education and Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Teaching of Foreign Languages) at the same university. She received a MEC predoctoral fellowship (BES-2013-32191) and did a research stay at the University of Knoxville Tennessee (UKT) in the Department of Modern and Foreign Languages and Literatures thanks to a grant from the ministry (EEBB-I-16 -063563). She received an international doctorate cum laude from this university (UPV/EHU). She obtained by opposition the positions of assistant professor in the Faculty of Education of Leioa (UPV/EHU) in the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature and the position of assistant professor in the Faculty of Letters (UPV/EHU) in the Department of English and German Philology, Translation and Interpretation where she works today. As a teacher, she taught in Basque, Spanish and English in Compulsory Secondary Education during the years 2009-2013 and has worked at the Faculty of Education Sciences (San Sebastián, UPV/EHU), Faculty of Economics and Business (Bilbao-Elcano and San Sebastián, UPVEHU) and Faculty of Letters (Vitoria, UPV / EHU) teaching Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses (Eibar, UEU). In addition, she has given talks, sessions and courses on innovation and teaching quality to teachers of infant, primary and secondary education (PrestGara) and created educational material in Basque and Spanish for these educational stages. Her teaching has been positively evaluated by the students and her university through the DOCENTIAZ program. As a researcher, she has published several books, articles and book chapters in national and international journals. She is a reviewer in international scientific journals, and has directed and participated in various international congresses as a member of the scientific and organizing committee (e.g., DISM, CIISE19, CIISE20, CIISE21) ( She has also participated in eight research projects: 3 national projects (MINECO), a regional project funded by the Basque Government, and 4 international projects (ERASMUS+) and is leading today three Erasmus + projects on Artificial Intelligence and its use in education (; AI@school She has given several lectures, public presentations of her work and has participated in seminars organized by various universities, including the University of Shanghai (Shanghai, China), the University of Pau del Pays de l’Adour (Bielle, France), the University of Tennessee (UKT) and Fort Lewis College (Colorado, US). Her research focuses on multilingual education and second and third language learning in educational contexts.

Research Interests

Bilingualism and multilingualism; multilingual education; pedagogical interventions; minority languages; EFL.


Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Alexia Antzaka. (2024) Educación en la era digital: propuestas innovadoras para los desafíos educativos del presente y el futuro. Pub.:Tirant lo Blanch (Humanidades). ISBN: 9788411832885.  Abstract || PDF
María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman, Alexia Antzaka. (2024) Revolución Digital en las aulas universitarias. Nuevas tecnologías y su papel en el cambio social y educativo. Pub.:Tirant lo Blanch (Humanidades). ISBN: 9788411833509.  Abstract || PDF
María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman, Alexia Antzaka. (2024) Educación para la Inclusión: Reflexiones desde el Multilingüismo, la Interculturalidad y la Tecnología. Pub.:Tirant lo Blanch . ISBN: .  Abstract
Nahia Idoiaga Mondragon, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta. (2024) La coeducación a estudio: Experiencias, investigaciones y políticas para impulsar la igualdad de género. Pub.:Tirant Humanidades . ISBN: 978-84-1183-633-3.  Abstract || PDF
María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman. (2023) Pedagogías lingüísticas y culturales sostenibles en contextos educativos. Pub.:Editorial GRAÓ. ISBN: 978-84-19416-35-3.  Abstract || PDF
María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman, Itsaso Biota, Jon Martin. (2023) Pedagogías para la inclusión. Respondiendo a la exclusión desde la diversidad sociocultural.. Pub.:Editorial GRAO. ISBN: 978-84-19416-36-0.  Abstract
Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2023) Innovación educativa y diversidad: El rol del capital etnocultural como eje del cambio. Pub.:Editorial Grao. ISBN: 978-84-19416-34-6.  Abstract
Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Maitane Picaza, Oihana Leonet. (2023) El rol de la ciudadanía en un mundo diverso. Pub.:Editorial GRAÒ. ISBN: 978-84-19416-37-7.  Abstract
María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Naiara Ozamiz, Itsaso Biota, Israel Alonso. (2022) Inclusión socioeducativa en periodos de crisis: retos y oportunidades. Pub.:Editorial GRAÓ. ISBN: 978-84-18627-79-8.  Abstract || PDF
Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet, Elizabeth Perez. (2022) Educando en el siglo XXI: El rol de la innovación y de las nuevas tecnologías en los procesos de aprendizaje. Pub.:Editorial GRAÓ. ISBN: 978-84-18627-81-1.  Abstract
Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Nahiara Berasategi, Amaia Eiguren. (2021) Innovación educativa y transformación social. Pub.:Editorial GRAÒ. ISBN: 978-84-18058-80-6.  Abstract || PDF
María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales Fernandez de Gamboa, Ángela García Mardones . (2019) Errebelde 50 bider. Pub.:Erein Argitaletxea. ISBN: 978-84-9109-351-0.  Abstract
Andrea Perales Fernandez de Gamboa, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Ángela García Mardones. (2019) 50 veces rebelde. Pub.:Erein Argitaletxea. ISBN: 978-84-9109-352-7.  Abstract
María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2018) Hiru hizkuntzatan idazten: hurbilpen holistiko, analitiko eta hizkuntza artekoa/ Writing in three languages: analytic, holistic and crosslinguistic perspectives. Pub.:Doctoral dissertation, Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. ISBN: .  Abstract
María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2014) Usoak. Pub.:Elkar Argitaletxea. ISBN: 978-84-7821-838-7.  Abstract

Journal Papers

Book Chapters

Conference Papers