María Orcasitas-Vicandi
María Orcasitas-Vicandi is an associate professor in the Department of English and German Philology, Translation and Interpretation at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. She studied English Philology and postgraduate studies (European Master’s Degree in Multilingual Education and Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Teaching of Foreign Languages) at the same university. She received a MEC predoctoral fellowship (BES-2013-32191) and did a research stay at the University of Knoxville Tennessee (UKT) in the Department of Modern and Foreign Languages and Literatures thanks to a grant from the ministry (EEBB-I-16 -063563). She received an international doctorate cum laude from this university (UPV/EHU). She obtained by opposition the positions of assistant professor in the Faculty of Education of Leioa (UPV/EHU) in the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature and the position of assistant professor in the Faculty of Letters (UPV/EHU) in the Department of English and German Philology, Translation and Interpretation where she works today. As a teacher, she taught in Basque, Spanish and English in Compulsory Secondary Education during the years 2009-2013 and has worked at the Faculty of Education Sciences (San Sebastián, UPV/EHU), Faculty of Economics and Business (Bilbao-Elcano and San Sebastián, UPVEHU) and Faculty of Letters (Vitoria, UPV / EHU) teaching Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses (Eibar, UEU). In addition, she has given talks, sessions and courses on innovation and teaching quality to teachers of infant, primary and secondary education (PrestGara) and created educational material in Basque and Spanish for these educational stages. Her teaching has been positively evaluated by the students and her university through the DOCENTIAZ program. As a researcher, she has published several books, articles and book chapters in national and international journals. She is a reviewer in international scientific journals, and has directed and participated in various international congresses as a member of the scientific and organizing committee (e.g., DISM, CIISE19, CIISE20, CIISE21) ( She has also participated in eight research projects: 3 national projects (MINECO), a regional project funded by the Basque Government, and 4 international projects (ERASMUS+) and is leading today three Erasmus + projects on Artificial Intelligence and its use in education (; AI@school She has given several lectures, public presentations of her work and has participated in seminars organized by various universities, including the University of Shanghai (Shanghai, China), the University of Pau del Pays de l’Adour (Bielle, France), the University of Tennessee (UKT) and Fort Lewis College (Colorado, US). Her research focuses on multilingual education and second and third language learning in educational contexts.
Research Interests
Bilingualism and multilingualism; multilingual education; pedagogical interventions; minority languages; EFL.
- LINSS: Education model through language integrated school subjects (2024 - 2027)
- AI and the future of education (2023 - 2026)
- Language and Speech – Established Research Group (Type A – Excellence) (2022 - 2025)
- Balancing interaction and L2 grammar learning by children in an EFL context (INGREFL) (2021 - 2025)
- Career pathways (2021 - 2024)
- AI@school (2020 - 2023)
- Language and Speech – Established Research Group (Type A – Excellence) (2016 - 2021)
Journal Papers
- Janire Guerrero Gómez, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Marta Kopinska. (2024) Enhancing young EFL learners’ written skills: The role of repeated pre-task planning. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. :-. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet. (2024) Translanguaging pedagogies in an ESP context. Exploring trilingual students’ metalinguistic awareness. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics. :-. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Izaskun Molás-Olalde , Karla-Fernández-de-Gamboa-Vázquez. (2024) Learning how to write using all our languages: A multilingual approach to literacy in primary education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. :-. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales-Fernandez-de-Gamboa. (2023) Translanguaging interventions and the construction of the multilingual self through culturally sustaining pedagogies. International Journal of Multilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales-Fernandez-de-Gamboa. (2022) Promoting pedagogical translanguaging in pre-service teachers’ training: material design for a multilingual context with a regional minority language. International Journal of Multilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
- Oihana Leonet, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2022) Learning languages in a globalized world: understanding young multilinguals’ practices in the Basque Country. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. :1-17. Abstract || PDF
- Nahia Idoiaga, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman. (2022) Impact of emergency eLearning in a multilingual context with a minority language: how has the absence of school affected the use of Basque, English, and Spanish in the Basque context?. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
- Oihana Leonet, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Argia Langarika-Rocafort, Nahia Idoiaga Mondragon, Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta. (2022) A Systematic Review of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions for Children Aged From 0 to 6 Years. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. :-. Abstract || PDF
- Andrea Perales, Dorleta Apaolaza, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2022) Fostering intercultural competence in a university classroom: working on historical empathy through the work “The thing around your neck” by Chimamanda Ngozi Aadichie. Aula de Encuentro. 24:169-190. Abstract || PDF
- Elizabeth Pérez, Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2022) Immigrant minority languages and multilingual education in Europe: a literature review. International Journal of Multilingualism. :-. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2021) Towards a multilingual approach in assessing writing: holistic, analytic and cross-linguistic perspectives. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
- Andrea Perales Fernández-de-Gamboa, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2020) Revirtiendo el olvido de las mujeres en el material escolar: 50 veces rebelde. Textos. Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura. :-. Abstract
- Oihana Leonet, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2020) The use of augmentative and alternative communication in educational settings in the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain). European Journal of Special Needs Education. :-. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet. (2020) The study of language learning in multilingual education: students’ perceptions of their language learning experience in Basque, Spanish and English. International Journal of Multilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa. (2020) Multilingüismo e Identidad: Poniendo en valor el conocimiento del alumnado. Textos. Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura. :-. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2019) Crosslinguistic influence and morphological awareness in English (third language) writing. International Journal of Bilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2019) Lexical crosslinguistic influence in Basque-Spanish bilinguals’ English (L3) writing. International Journal of Bilingua Education and Bilingualism. :-. Abstract || PDF
Book Chapters
- Andrea Perales, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2024) Navigating multilingual landscapes: Using language biographies as reflective tools in a foreign language teaching university classroom. Ed.: Fernando Trujillo & Beatriz Cortina-Pérez. Pub.: Dykinson. Pags: -. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman, Alexia Antzaka. (2024) Adult migrants’ investment when learning a minoritised language: Challenges and opportunities in the Basque Country. Ed.: Sari Poyho nen & James Simpson. Pub.: ROUTLEDGE (Critical Studies in Multilingualism series).. Pags: -. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales. (2024) Teaching English From a Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Approach: Insights From the Basque Autonomous Community. Ed.: Barreto, Isabel María Gómez & Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta. Pub.: IGI GLOBAL. Pags: 1-21. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman. (2023) Lenguaje violento y acoso en las redes como problemáticas de centro en la educación obligatoria. Ed.: María Orcasitas-Vicandi & Gorka Roman. Pub.: Editorial GRAO. Pags: -. Abstract
- Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2023) Estudio cualitativo comparado sobre el cyberbullying en centros educativos europeos. Ed.: María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman, Itsaso Biota, Jon Martin. Pub.: Editorial GRAO. Pags: -. Abstract
- Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Alexia Antzaka. (2023) Protocolos, buenas prácticas e intervenciones en contra del ciberacoso y acoso en España.. Ed.: Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta, Maria Orcasitas-Vicandi, Maitane Picaza, Oihana Leonet. Pub.: Editorial GRAÒ. Pags: 20-32. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet. (2022) Hizkuntzak irakasteko estrategiak testuinguru eleaniztunetan: unibertsitate ikasleen iritzien analisi tematikoa. Ed.: Beñat Muguruza & Irantzu Epelde. Pub.: Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU. Pags: -. Abstract
- Oihana Leonet, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2022) Translanguaging praktikekiko jarrerak euskal gazteen artean. Ed.: Beñat Muguruza & Irantzu Epelde. Pub.: Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU. Pags: -. Abstract
- Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2022) Género, ansiedad y consumo durante el confinamiento por la COVID-19. Ed.: Nahia Idoiaga-Mondragon, Idoia Legorburu Fernandez, María Dosil Santamaría, Itziar Kerexeta Brazal, Leire Darretxe. Pub.: Editorial GRAÓ. Pags: -. Abstract
- Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2022) Factores para la inclusión lingüística en el sistema educativo vasco. Análisis de la percepción sobre los procesos de inclusión socioeducativa del alumnado migrante. Ed.: Orcasitas-Vicandi, M., Ozamiz, N., Biota, I. & Alonso, I.. Pub.: Editorial GRAÓ. Pags: -. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman. (2022) Percepciones sobre la inmersion lingüística del alumnado extranjero en el sistema educativo vasco. Ed.: Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet, Elizabeth Perez. Pub.: Editorial GRAÓ. Pags: -. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Leonet, O. . (2021) Practicas inclusivas en el aula: Un estudio preliminar en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. Ed.: Roman, G., Pérez-Izaguirre, E., Biota, I., Picaza, M.. Pub.: Editorial GRAÒ. Pags: -. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Dosil, M.. (2021) Inclusión social y gamificación: Educadores, personas migrantes y locales como sujetos activos en el diseño de las herramientas TIC. Ed.: Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Nahiara Berasategi, Amaia Eiguren. Pub.: Editorial GRAÒ. Pags: -. Abstract
- Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2020) Wonder Ponder: filosofía visual para el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Ed.: Santiago Alonso García, José María Romero Rodríguez, Carmen Rodríguez-Jiménez, José María Sola Reche. Pub.: Dykinson. Pags: 168-178. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet. (2020) Educación inclusiva: una visión europea. Ed.: Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta, Nahia Idoiaga Mondragon, Dorleta Apaolaza-Llorente. Pub.: Editorial GRAÒ. Pags: 1-12. Abstract
- Oihana Leonet, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2020) ¿Qué necesidades tienen los profesionales de la educación en torno a los sistemas de comunicación aumentativos y alternativos?. Ed.: Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta, Nahia Idoiaga Mondragon, Dorleta Apaolaza-Llorente. Pub.: Editorial GRAÒ. Pags: 12-24. Abstract
- Andrea Perales Fernández de Gamboa , María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Dorleta Apaolaza-Llorente. (2020) Pepita y Elisa Úriz Pi: En busca de la coeducación y la justicia social. Ed.: Mar Busquets-Mataix y Stella Manaut. Pub.: Lastura Ediciones. Pags: -. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa. (2020) Practicas coeducativas en un entorno virtual: el aprendizaje basado en problemas y las tertulias dialógicas virtuales como herramientas de formación universitaria. Ed.: Enrique Sánchez, Ernesto Colomo, Julio Ruiz, José Sánchez. Pub.: Universidad de Málaga. Pags: 134-144. Abstract
- Apaolaza-Llorente, D. , María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Dosil. M.. (2020) OERTOWN: una propuesta europea desde la gamificación para la inclusión. Ed.: Cobos-Sanchiz, D., López-Meneses, E., Molina-García, L., Jaén-Martinez, A., & Martín-Padilla, A.H.. Pub.: Octaedro. Pags: 4137-4146. Abstract
Conference Papers
- Marta Kopinska, Janire Guerrero Gómez, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2024) Exploring the role of young learners’ individual differences in collaborative writing. Early Language Learning Reseach Association (ELLRA 2024) Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. Abstract || PDF
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales. (2023) Reimagining language teaching through Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Migration and Multilingualism (MAMM2022) Cyprus. Abstract
- Janire Guerrero Gómez, Marta Kopinska, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2023) “Maria have a nightmare. His dad say to fight his dream”: The impact of form-focused instruction on young EFL learners’ written production. AESLA Mérdia. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales . (2023) Language Teaching in Secondary Education: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies and Pedagogical Translanguaging as tools for the construction of the multilingual self”. Escuela, Inmigración y Multilingüismo: Perspectivas históricas y didácticas para transformar la escuela del siglo XXI Vitoria-Gasteiz. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales. (2023) Constructing students’ multilingual identities through Translanguaging and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies. 10th International Conference of the Association EDiLiC. From Early Childhood to Adulthood: Transitions, Continuity, and Disruptions in Plurilingual Education. Copenhagen. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales. (2022) Implementing pedagogical translanguaging in pre-service teachers’ training through material design. International conference future challenges in early language learning and multilingual education (ELLME) Granada. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman. (2021) Estudiantes de origen inmigrante en sociedades bilingües: percepciones sobre el aprendizaje de la lengua minorizada como herramienta de inclusión social y educativa. CIISE2021: 3rd International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion. Challenging communication difficulties Bilbao, Spain. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Gorka Roman. (2021) Inclusión socioeducativa en contextos de inmigración: percepciones del profesorado, el estudiantado y las familias. CIISE2021: 3rd International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion. Challenging communication difficulties . Abstract
- Gorka Roman, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2021) Inmigración y aprendizaje de lenguas: algunas reflexiones en torno a las percepciones del profesorado y el estudiantado. CIISE2021: 3rd International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion. Challenging communication difficulties . Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Dorleta Apaolaza, María Dosil. (2021) OER Town: Un proyecto europeo por la inclusión a través de la gamificación. XVII Congreso Nacional y IX Iberoamericano de Pedagogía. La Educación en Red. Realidades diversas, horizontes comunes Santiago de Compostela (España). Abstract
- Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2020) Wonder Ponder: Filosofía visual para el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. XIII Congreso Internacional de Educación e Innovación Granada, Spain. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, María Dosil. (2020) Inclusión social y gamificación: Educadores, personal migrantes y locales como sujetos activos en el diseño de herramientas TIC. CIISE2020: 2nd International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion. Challenging communication difficulties . Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet. (2020) Prácticas inclusivas en el aula: Un estudio preliminar en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. CIISE2020: 2nd International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion. Challenging communication difficulties . Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Dorleta Apaolaza-Llorente, María Dosil. (2020) OERTOWN: La gamificación como herramienta para la inclusión en los proyectos europeos. Innovagogia2020 Virtual. Abstract
- Andrea Perales , Dorleta Apaolaza, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2020) Fomentando la competencia intercultural en el aula universitaria: Trabajando la empatía historica a través de The Thing Around Your Neck, de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. II CICELI Congreso Internacional Valencia, Spain.. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa. (2020) Aprendizaje basado en proyectos, tertulias dialógicas virtuales y coeducación: tres herramientas para la formación de futuras profesionales. XXIII Congreso Internacional Educación y tecnología EDUTEC 2020 Universidad de Málaga (España). Abstract
- Oihana Leonet, María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2019) Comunicación aumentativa y alternativa para la inclusión social. I Congreso de Educación Bilbao, Spain. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Oihana Leonet. (2019) El uso de los sistemas de comunicación aumentativos y alternativos en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca: Un estudio preliminar. CIISE2019: 1st International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion. Challenging communication difficulties Bilbao, Spain. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi, Andrea Perales. (2019) WP: filosofía visual para el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. XIII Congrego Internacional de Educación e Innovación Granada. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2017) Crosslinguistic influence on third language writing. Third Silesian Meeting of Young Scholars Szczrk, Poland. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2016) Towards a multilingual approach in measuring trilingual writing. CoDesigns. Envisioning Multi-sited Language Education Policies Jyväskylä, Finland. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2016) Writing in three languages: holistic versus analytic approach. Donostia Young Researchers International Symposium San Sebastia, Spain. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2015) The development of writing skills in Basque as a minority language. XV International Conference on Minority Languages Belgrade, Serbia. Abstract
- María Orcasitas-Vicandi. (2015) El desarrollo de la competencia escrita multilingüe en el contexto escolar. 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development San Sebastia, Spain. Abstract