Janire Guerrero has been selected to participate in the CERN IdeaSquare Workshop

Janire Guerrero has been selected to participate in the CERN IdeaSquare Workshop (in collaboration with BIC-Araba) ‘Design the Future 2020’ and awarded an individual prize on the Quality Education team. Their project (ß-learning) aimed to improve the current educational system by designing a more integrative, free-access and individualized tool to be used by learners.Janire Guerrero…


Dr. Kadriye Aksoy-Pekacar has been awarded a grant from the Turkish Government to pursue her project under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Maria del Pilar Garcia Mayo

Dr. Kadriye Aksoy-Pekacar is based in Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (COMU), Turkey, where she works as a lecturer at the Department of English Language Teaching (ELT). She obtained her PhD degree from Hacettepe University, Turkey in 2018 under the supervision of late Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Erten. She has been awarded a grant from the…


Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa defended his Ph.D. dissertation

Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “The impact of performative language teaching on oral skills in a Chinese as a foreign language classroom” on November 17th, 2020 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV EHU).  The thesis committee, which consisted of three members (Dr. Francisco Lorenzo Bergillos (UPO), Dr. Amparo Lázaro…


La Dra. María del Pilar García Mayo imparte una conferencia plenaria en el primer congreso bianual organizado por el SCRELE

La Dra. María del Pilar García Mayo, directora del grupo LASLAB, impartió la conferencia plenaria titulada “Primary school children using collaborative tasks in an EFL setting: Findings from research and challenges ahead” en el primer congreso bianual organizado por el Shanghai Center for Research in English Language Education (SCRELE) (Shanghai, 20-22 de septiembre de 2019).…


Primer Premio de Trabajo de Fin de Máster en Enseñanza Bilingüe

Las alumnas del programa de máster Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings Gisela Barea Neira y Bei Yang han sido premiadas por sus tesis en la convocatoria Primer Premio de Trabajo de Fin de Máster en Enseñanza Bilingüe, convocado por la Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe en colaboración con Newlink Education y Magisterio. La tesis de Gisela, titulada…
