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The project aims to enhance teachers’ skills and competences to meet the growing need for children to understand artificial intelligence, its impact on society, and how they mightshape the future of AI and to be able to understand the ethical concerns and implications around AI..The main objectives of the project are to develop and deliver:- A curriculum and toolkit for teachers with a set of activities, teacher guides, assessments, materials, and resources to assist teachers in teaching about artificial intelligence- A teacher training course to increase AI awareness both for face to face delivery and as a MOOCLearning Scenarios for teaching with AI in schools- A selection and analysis of best practice exemplars across the world and a directory of Open Source Software and Creative Commons materials on AI for use in schools- Open Educational Resources for AI adapted to the profile and needs of high School studentsThe project brings together a consortium of schools, universities and research SMEs together with UNESCO as Associate Partner, coordinated by Pontydydgu from the UK. Partnersare school in Belgium, UK, and Greece.The main results of the project will be a curriculum toolkit, selection of best practice examples, learning scenarios for the use of AI in schools Open education resources and anMassive Open Online Course. The project will support teachers through professional development and resources for the use of AI for teaching and learning and new courses forstudents in understanding AI in society.