Research staff

Ruth Milla Melero

I obtained my BA in English Philology at Deusto University and my MA in LAMS at the University of the Basque Country, where I started to investigate Corrective Feedback in oral interaction in CLIL and EFL.

I taught English and Language Acquisition at the University of Cantabria.

I am an assistant professor at the University of the Basque Country, where I worked as a research assistant and taught undergraduate courses in English Studies, Philology, Business. At the moment, I teach undergraduate courses on EFL teaching at the Faculty of Education of Bilbao.

I obtained my PhD in 2017 and my dissertation focused on Corrective Fedback and teachers’ and learners’ beliefs in CLIL and EFL classrooms and was supervised by Professor María del Pilar García Mayo.

My recent research has focused on OCF, WCF, CLIL, teacher training, and collaborative writing.


Research Interests

Corrective Feedback, CLIL, EFL teaching, teachers’ and learners’ beliefs, FL teacher training, collaborative writing,

Journal Papers

Book Chapters

Conference Papers