Ruth Milla Melero
I obtained my BA in English Philology at Deusto University and my MA in LAMS at the University of the Basque Country, where I started to investigate Corrective Feedback in oral interaction in CLIL and EFL.
I taught English and Language Acquisition at the University of Cantabria.
I am an assistant professor at the University of the Basque Country, where I worked as a research assistant and taught undergraduate courses in English Studies, Philology, Business. At the moment, I teach undergraduate courses on EFL teaching at the Faculty of Education of Bilbao.
I obtained my PhD in 2017 and my dissertation focused on Corrective Fedback and teachers’ and learners’ beliefs in CLIL and EFL classrooms and was supervised by Professor María del Pilar García Mayo.
My recent research has focused on OCF, WCF, CLIL, teacher training, and collaborative writing.
Research Interests
Corrective Feedback, CLIL, EFL teaching, teachers’ and learners’ beliefs, FL teacher training, collaborative writing,
- Language and Speech – Established Research Group (Type A – Excellence) (2022 - 2025)
- Balancing interaction and L2 grammar learning by children in an EFL context (INGREFL) (2021 - 2025)
- Language and Speech – Established Research Group (Type A – Excellence) (2016 - 2021)
- Interaction and written production. The potential of collaborative writing in the learning of English as a foreign language by primary school learners (2016 - 2020)
- Oral interaction among young learners of English as a foreing language: the impact of the use of negotiation and corrective feedback strategies during communicative tasks on language learning. (2012 - 2015)
Journal Papers
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2024) Collaborative writing, written corrective feedback and motivation among child EFL learners. Porta Linguarum. 41:27-43. Abstract || PDF
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2022) The impact of models and reformulations on EFL primary school children’s noticing and written output. Instructed Second Language Acquisition. 6.1:22-56. Abstract || PDF
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2021) Teachers’ oral corrective feedback and learners’ uptake in high school CLIL and EFL classrooms. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics (VIAL). 18:149-176. Abstract
- Irene Balza, Maria del Carmen Encinas, Ruth Milla Melero. (2021) La didáctica de la gramática desde el tratamiento integrado de lenguas en la CAPV: análisis de materiales del proyecto EKI. Didacticae: Revista de Investigación en Didácticas Específicas. 9:139-156. Abstract || PDF
- Irene Balza, Mª Carmen Encinas Reguero, Ruth Milla Melero. (2021) La didáctica de la gramática desde el tratamiento integrado de lenguas en la CAPV: Análisis de materiales del proyecto EKI. Didacticae. 9:139-156. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2019) Language learning strategy reported choice by bilingual children in CLIL: The effect of age, proficiency and gender in L3 learners of English. System. 87 Abstract || PDF
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2014) Corrective feedback episodes in oral interaction: A comparison of a CLIL and an EFL classroom. International Journal of English Studies. 14(1):1-20. Abstract
Book Chapters
- Amaia Aguirregoitia Martínez, Paulo Kortazar Billelabeitia, Ruth Milla Melero. (in press) An experience on the use of ChatGPT as an educational tool for creating primary EFL classroom materials and activities: Pre-service teachers’ perceptions and experts’ opinions. Ed.: . Pub.: Dykinson S.L.. Pags: -. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2023) Corrective feedback in CLIL. Ed.: D. Banegas and S. Zappa-Hollman . Pub.: Routledge. Pags: -. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, Amaia Aguirregoitia Martínez. (2023) CLIL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: How Can Teacher Training Help?. Ed.: José Luis Estrada Chichón, Francisco Zayas Martínez. Pub.: IGI global. Pags: -. Abstract
- Irene Balza, Amaia Aguirregoitia Martínez, Maitena Duhalde de Serra, Paulo Kortazar, Ruth Milla Melero. (2023) Sustainable development goals in the English classroom: Tell me a different story. Ed.: Asier Romero, Israel Alonso, Ana Urrutia, Monike Gezuraga, Naiara Berasategui y Nahia Idoiaga. Pub.: Octaedro. Pags: 71-80. Abstract
- María del Pilar García Mayo, Ruth Milla Melero. (2021) Corrective feedback in second versus foreign language contexts. Ed.: H. Nassaji and E. Kartchava. Pub.: Cambridge University Press. Pags: -. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2021) Teacher’s and learners’ beliefs about corrective feedback compared with classroom behavior in CLIL and EFL. Ed.: K. Talbot, S. Mercer, M.T. Gruber and R. Nishida. Pub.: Multilingual Matters. Pags: 112-132. Abstract
Conference Papers
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2023) The effect of written corrective feedback on the acquisition of grammar by primary school learners. Conference on Written Corrective Feedback in L1 and L2 Vic- Barcelona (Spain). Abstract || PDF
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2022) Written corrective feedback and motivation among primary school learners working collaboratively. Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education in Primary (ELLME2022) - experts' panel Granada (Spain). Abstract || PDF
- Amaia Aguirregoitia Martínez, Irene Balza, Ruth Milla Melero, Maitena Duhalde de la Serra, Paulo Kortazar. (2022) Sustainable development goals in the English classroom: Tell me a different story. CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INNOVACION EDUCATIVA EN EDUCACION SUPERIOR Leioa, Spain. Abstract || PDF
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2021) Reformulations vs. models in individual and collaborative writing by EFL primary school children. Second language Writing Research (L2WR) Seminar Murcia, Spain. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2021) The impact of reformulations and models on the written output by EFL primary school children: Collaborative and individual writing. 44th AEDEAN Santander. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2019) Reformulations vs models in collaborative writing by primary school learners. VI Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza Bilingüe en Centros Educativos Granada. Abstract
- Irene Balza, M. Carmen Encinas, Ruth Milla Melero. (2019) La enseñanza de la gramática en contextos bilingües: El proyecto EKI. VI Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza Bilingüe en Centros Educativos Granada (Spain). Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2016) Corrective feedback: Comparison of EFL and CLIL teachers. 39th Annual TESOL-SPAIN Convention, "ELT in these changing times" Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2016) El nivel de inglés de los alumnos de primaria como factor influyente en el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje.. AESLA Alicante, Spain. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2016) Corrective feedback episodes in CLIL and EFL classrooms: Do teachers’ and learners’ beliefs influence classroom behavior?. EUROSLA Jyväskylä (Finland). Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero. (2015) Corrective Feeback in Language Teaching: An Overview. 2nd Regional TESOL Event: "Building Learning Bridges" Vitoria-Gasteiz. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero. (2015) Corrective Feedback in CLIL and EFL Classrooms: Comparing teachers’ Beliefs and Practices. AEDEAN Bilbao. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero. (2012) Corrective feedback in L1 acquisition: an exploratory study. XXX AESLA International Conference Lleida, Spain. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2012) Corrective feedback in oral interaction: A comparison of an EFL and a CLIL classroom. 22 EUROSLA conference Poznan - Poland. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero. (2012) Implicit and explicit corrective feedback in CLIL and EFL settings.. International Symposium: Cognitive Factors in ELT 2012 Murcia (Spain). Abstract || PDF
- Ruth Milla Melero. (2011) Corrective feedback in writing: students’ and teachers’ perceptions.. XXIX AESLA International Congress. Salamanca, Spain. Abstract