Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado
M. Juncal Gutierrez is currently associate professor in the English Department at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). After graduating in English Philology at the University of Deusto, Spain, she received her PhD in English Philology at the University of the Basque Country in 2005. Her teaching involves undergraduate courses in Linguistics as well as in the new Master in Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings and Master in Theoretical and Experimental Lingusitics both at the UPV/EHU.
Research Interests
Acquisition of wh- movement in L1 Basque, Spanish and L3 EnglishAcquisition of determiners in L3 EnglishSyntactic and lexical processing in bilinguals
- Language and Speech – Established Research Group (Type A – Excellence) (2022 - 2025)
- Balancing interaction and L2 grammar learning by children in an EFL context (INGREFL) (2021 - 2025)
- Interaction and written production. The potential of collaborative writing in the learning of English as a foreign language by primary school learners (2016 - 2020)
- Oral interaction among young learners of English as a foreing language: the impact of the use of negotiation and corrective feedback strategies during communicative tasks on language learning. (2012 - 2015)
- Research in English Applied Linguistics (2010 - 2012)
- Bilingüismo y Neurociencia CognitivaCONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 (2007 - 2012)
- Grupo de Investigación Consolidado del Sistema Universitario Vasco (2007 - 2009)
- Grupo de Investigación Research in English Applied Linguistics (2007 - 2007)
María del Pilar García Mayo, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2020) English language learning in primary school: Variables at play. Pub.:. ISBN: 2083-5205. Abstract || PDF
Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto. (2019) Cross-linguistic influence: From empirical evidence to classroom practice. Pub.:Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-22065-5. Abstract
Vicenç Torrens, Linda Escobar, Anna Gavarró, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2010) Movement and Clitics. Pub.:Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4438-1847-6. Abstract
Journal Papers
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2022) Gender pairings in EFL task-based interaction. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 19:103-128. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, María Basterrechea. (2021) Language-related episodes by young CLIL learners: A review of task modality effects. Language Teaching for Young Learners. 3(2):213-245. Abstract
- Izaskun Villarreal, Esther Gómez Lacabex, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2020) Hot Potatoes Activities to Improve Grammatical Accuracy Across Different Proficiency Courses. Journal of English Studies. 18:253-277. Abstract || PDF
- María del Pilar García Mayo, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2020) Introduction to the special issue on English language learning in primary schools. Variables at play. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching. 10(33):415-422. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2019) Language learning strategy reported choice by bilingual children in CLIL: The effect of age, proficiency and gender in L3 learners of English. System. 87 Abstract || PDF
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2018) The use of L3 English articles by Basque-Spanish bilinguals. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. 31(1):124-158. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2018) CLIL at the linguistic interfaces. International Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Education. 6(1):85-112. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2015) Is CLIL instruction beneficial both in terms of general proficiency and specific areas of grammar?. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education. 3 (1):51-76. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2015) L1 Use, Lexical Richness, Accuracy and Complexity in CLIL and NON-CLIL Learners. Atlantis, Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies. XXXVII (2):175-200. Abstract
- Amaia Munarriz, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2014) Differential and selective morpho-syntactic impairment in Spanish-Basque bilingual aphasia. Bilingualism, Language and Cognition (doi: 10.1017/S136672891400042X). :-. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2013) Phonetic and Syntactic Transfer Effects in the English Interlanguage of Basque/Spanish Bilinguals. VIAL, Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 10:51-84. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María José Ezeizabarrena. (2012) Asymmetry in child comprehension and production of Basque subject and object relative clauses. BUCLD proceedings online. :-. Abstract || PDF
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2011) Children’s comprehension of relative clauses in an ergative language: the case of Basque. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics. 18:176-201. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2010) Comprehension of relative clauses in L1 Basque. Proceedings of the 34th Boston University Conference on Language Develoopment. 34:162-173. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2007) H1 gisako urruntasun luzeko NZ-galderen jabekuntza haur euskaldun batengan. International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology (ASJU). XLI-1:249-288. Abstract
Book Chapters
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto. (2019) Introduction. Cross-Linguistic Influence: From Empirical Evidence to Classroom Practice. Ed.: M. Juncal Gutierrez-Mangado, María Martínez-Adrián & Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto. Pub.: Springer. Pags: 17-18. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2013) Galderen eta erlatibozkoen ulermena haur euskaldunengan. Ed.: Maria José Ezeizabarrena and Ricardo Gómez. Pub.: UPV/EHU Argitalpen Zerbitzua. Pags: -. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2009) The Acquisition of English syntax by CLIL learners. Ed.: Y. Ruiz de Zarobe & R. C. Jiménez Catalán. Pub.: Multilingual Matters. Pags: 176-196. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María del Pilar García Mayo. (2008) Non-adult long-distance wh-questions in L2 English. Ed.: C. Pérez Vidal, M. Juan Garau & A. Bel i Gaya. Pub.: Multilingual Matters. Pags: 264-286. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2006) NZ-sintagma eremuen ahoskapena: euskara/gaztelera ikasle elebidunen ingelesaren H2 gisako jabekuntzari buruzko datuak. Ed.: J. Cenoz and D. Lasagabaster. Pub.: UPV/EHU. Pags: 193-219. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2006) Acquiring long-distance wh-questions in L1 Spanish. Ed.: V. Torrens and L. Escobar. Pub.: John Benjamins. Pags: 251-287. Abstract
Conference Papers
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2019) Influence of gender-pairings in the production of L3 English LREs. AESLA 2019 Valladolid. Abstract
- María Basterrechea, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2019) Task modality and the production of LREs: An investigation into task modality effect with young learners. 43rd AEDEAN CONFERENCE Alicante (Spain). Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2018) Children produce more LREs when paired in same-gender dyads. Individual Differences in Second Language Learning and Teaching II: The Individual and the Context Konin (Polonia). Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2018) Gender effects in the L3 English production of LREs in primary education. AEDEAN 2018 Córdoba. Abstract
- J.M. Ezeizabarrena, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, A. Munarriz. (2017-06-01) Direction of asymmetry in movement derived structures: language internal consistency vs variability across tasks in Basque bilingual populations. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB) Limerick (Ireland). Abstract
- M. Izaga, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2017-05-01) The acquisition of L3 English articles in tertiary education: can learners overcome previous errors?. AESLA Jaén (Spain). Abstract
- M. Eizmendi Álvarez, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2017-05-01) The development of the Article system in the L3 English of Basque-Spanish bilingual Primary School children. AESLA Jaén (Spain). Abstract
- Gvantsa Jichoshvili, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2017-05-01) Crosslinguisitc Influence at the level of Word order in L3 English by monolingual L1 Georgian and bilingual L1 Georgian/L2 Russian speakers. Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use Poznan (Poland). Abstract
- J. Bryan Leferman, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2017-03-01) ¿Para qué me sirven los árboles sintácticos si yo ‘sólo’ enseño inglés?. I. Jornadas GrOC-EHU 'Innovación docente y renovación educativa' Vitoria-Gasteiz. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2017) Research on English acquisition at primary level (Invited talk). Formación del Profesorado Berritzegune de Getxo. Abstract
- Ruth Milla Melero, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2016) El nivel de inglés de los alumnos de primaria como factor influyente en el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje.. AESLA Alicante, Spain. Abstract
- Gvantsa Jichoshvili, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2016) Cross-linguistic influence at the level of Word order in L3 English by L1 Georgian/L2 Russian speakers.. LASLAB workshop on Crosslinguistic influence: working with crosslinguistic effects in the classroom. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2015) The development of L1 use by school children in CLIL and NON-CLIL contexts.. AESLA Madrid, Spain. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, María Martínez Adrián. (2015) L1 use in CLIL vs ELF school-children: a study of interactional strategies, codeswitching and transfer lapses.. International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Educatoin (LLCE) Nitra, Slovakia. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, J. Bryan Leferman. (2015) Do you want to sound professional in English?. Intecambio de experiencias de innovación en la UPV/EHU Bilbao, Spain. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2015) Article omission and misuse: a comparison of L2 and L3 English learners.. AEDEAN Bilbao, Spain. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2014) The effect of CLIL on linguistic interfaces. AESLA Sevilla. Abstract
- Oihane Basoa, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2014) The acquisition of L3 English articles by Basque-Spanish bilinguals: a comparative study of language modality.. AESLA Sevilla, Spain. Abstract
- Oihane Basoa, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2014) Does CLIL benefit the acquisition of English articles? The case of Basque-Spanish bilingual children’s oral production.. AEDEAN Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Inés Uribe Echevarria, Izaskun Villarreal, Esther Gómez Lacabex. (2014) Uso de las TICs para la consolidación del uso de tiempos verbales en inglés como lengua extranjera.. XV Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (SEDLL) Valencia, Spain. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2013) Ergative case in the production and comprehension of relative clauses in Basque. International Symposium of Psycholinguistcs (poster presentation) Tenerife. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2013) The acquisition of L3 English articles by Basque-Spanish bilinguals. AESLA La Laguna, Tenerife. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2013) L1 use as a predictor for accuracy and complexity in English narratives.. AEDEAN Oviedo, Spain. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2013) CLIL benefits do not extend to the L3 English verbal inflectional system.. Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning (ALP-CLIL) Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2012) Does Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) play a role in the acquisition of morphosyntax?. Eurosla 22 Poznan (Poland). Abstract
- Amaia Munarriz Ibarrola, María José Ezeizabarrena, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2012) Asymmetric impairment in the syntax of a Spanish-Basque bilingual aphasic.. UIC Bilingualism Forum Chicago, USA. Abstract
- Amaia Munarriz Ibarrola, María José Ezeizabarrena, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2012) Asymmetries in the linguistic impairment of a Spanish-Basque bilingual with chronic aphasia: Wh-questions and relative clauses.. NPL Aphasia: Neuropsycholinguistic Perspectives on Aphasia Toulouse, France. Abstract
- Amaia Munarriz Ibarrola, María José Ezeizabarrena, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2012) Asymmetries in the syntactic performance of a Spanish-Basque bilingual with aphasia.. Bilingual and Multilingual Interaction Bangor, UK. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2010) Comprehension of Relative Clauses in L1 Basque. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 34) Boston (EEUU). Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2010) Object relatives are easier in Basque. ACTION COST A33 FINAL CONFERENCE London, Great Britain. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2010) The influence of CLIL in the acquisition of L3 English determiners. VI Congrés Internacional D'adquisició del Llenguatge Barcelona, Spain. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto. (2009) L3 English Transfer Errors in Phonetics and Syntax. L3 Conference Bolzano (Italy). Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2009) Phonetic and syntactic transfer errors in the L2 English of Basque-Spanish bilingual subjects. Eurosla 19 Cork (Ireland). Abstract
- Agurtzane Azkarai Garai, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María del Pilar García Mayo, Mikel Santesteban. (2009) Age and language switching cost in bilinguals: only early bilinguals feature symmetrical switching costs. 15th Annual Conference on Archictectures and Mechanismis for Language Processing (AMLAP) Barcelona (Spain). Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2009) Asymmetries in the comprehension of wh-movement in L1 Basque. EHU INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGES BILBAO. Abstract || PDF
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2009) L3 Transfer Errors in Phonetics and Syntax. EUROSLA Cork, Ireland. Abstract
- Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado, María Martínez Adrián. (2009) On the absence of transfer effects in the L3 English article system of Basque/Spanish bilinguals. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BILINGUALISM (ISB) Utrecht, The Netherlands. Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2008) To what extent does a Content-based instruction programme affect the morpho-syntax of L3 English learners in a Basque-Spanish bilingual context?. First International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning (ICELTL 1) Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Abstract
- María Martínez Adrián, Maria Juncal Gutierrez Mangado. (2008) To what extent are L1 effects minimized by a CLIL programme. An investigation of L3 English in a Basque-Spanish bilingual context. CLIL conference Tallinn (Estonia). Abstract