Mª Luisa García Lecumberri
María Luisa García Lecumberri is Full Professor of Phonetics at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). She obtained an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Phonetics at University College London.
Her work is carried out within funded research projects such as Sound to Sense (http://www.sound2sense.eu), LISTA (http://listening-talker.org/), INSPIRE (Investigating Speech Processing in Realistic Environments http://www.ru.nl/clst/projects/speech/inspire/), DIACEX (Dissecting Foreign Accent) and ENRICH (Enriched communication across the lifespan http://www.enrich-etn.eu/).
Research Interests
Acquisition of L2 speech. Speech perception. Speech in adverse conditions. Foreign accents. L2 speech training. Cross-language influences on speech.
- Language and Speech – Established Research Group (Type A – Excellence) (2016 - 2021)
- Enriched Communication across the Lifespan (ENRICH) (2016 - 2020)
- DIACEX: Dissecting Foreign Accent (2013 - 2016)
- INSPIRE: Investigating Speech Processing In Realistic Environments (2012 - 2015)
- Language and Speech (2010 - 2015)
- The Listening Talker (LISTA) (2010 - 2013)
- Research in English Applied Linguistics (2010 - 2012)
- Grupo de Investigación Consolidado del Sistema Universitario Vasco (2007 - 2009)
- Grupo de Investigación Research in English Applied Linguistics (2007 - 2007)
- Sound to Sense (2006 - 2011)
- Sustainable development in a diverse world (2005 - 2010)
- Online International Web Transcription Tool With Automatic Feedback And Multimedia Links (2001 - 2002)
- La adquisición de la competencia comunicativa en inglés. Un estudio longitudinal (2000 - 2003)
- Más allá de la negociaciónde significado: discurso colaborativo, procesos de corrección y tareas comunicativas centradas en aspectos formales. Un estudio de los procesos de aprendizaje y los resultados lingüísticos con alumnos avanzados de EFL (1999 - 2001)
- La interacción oral entre alumnos de inglés como segunda lengua. Recepción de input y necesidad de retroalimentación centrada en la forma. (1997 - 1998)
- La adquisición del inglés: Desarrollo lingüístico y psicosocial (1996 - 1998)
- Elementos Fonéticos y Psicolingüísticos en la Percepción y producción de Suprasegmentos en una Segunda Lengua: Acentos y Pausas (1996 - 1997)
- Adquisición perceptiva de los fonemas vocálicos ingleses contextualizados. Identificación de factores determinantes y evaluación del tratamiento fonético (1995 - 1996)
- El reconocimiento de sonidos vocalizados en la adquisición del inglés; Tratamiento fonético y competencia lingüística (1994 - 1995)
María del Pilar García Mayo, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2003) Age and the Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language. Pub.:Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 1-85359-639-6. Abstract || PDF
Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, John A. Maidment. (2000) English Transcription Course. Pub.:Edward Arnold. ISBN: 0 340 75978 X. Abstract
Journal Papers
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke, Mirjam Wester. (in_press) A bi-directional task-based corpus of learners’ conversational speech.. Int. J. Learner Corpus Research. :-. Abstract
- Jian Gong, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (in_p) Ab initio perceptual learning of foreign language sounds: Spanish consonant acquisition by Chinese learners. System. :-. Abstract
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2018) Effects of exposure to noise during perceptual training of non-native language sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143:2602-2610. Abstract || PDF
- Ricard Marxer, Jon Barker, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2016) A corpus of noise-induced word misperceptions for English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140:-. Abstract || PDF
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Esther Gómez Lacabex. (2015) The assessment of foreign accent and its communicative effects by naïve native judges vs. experienced non-native judges. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 25:202-224. Abstract
- Máté Attila Tóth, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Yan Tang, Martin Cooke. (2015) A corpus of noise-induced word misperceptions for Spanish. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.. 137:184-189. Abstract || PDF
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jian Gong, Martin Cooke. (2015) Exploring the representation of second language sounds in first language space. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan. 19:1-12. Abstract || PDF
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Yan Tang. (2015) The effect of speech modification on nonnative listeners for matrix-style sentences.. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America-EL. 137:151-157. Abstract
- Jian Gong, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2015) A quantitative model of first language influence in second language consonant learning. Speech Communication. 69:17-30. Abstract || PDF
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke, Christopher Bryant. (2015) Accent evaluation from extemporaneous child speech. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics. 51:227-246. Abstract || PDF
- Vincent Aubanel, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2014) The Sharvard corpus: A phonemically-balanced Spanish sentence resource for audiology.. Int. J. Audiology. 53:633-638. Abstract
- Joanna Sankowska, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2011) Interaction of intrinsic vowel and consonant durational correlates with foreigner directed speech. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics. 47:109-119. Abstract || PDF
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Odette Scharenborg, Wim Van Dommelen. (2010) Language-independent processing in speech perception: identification of English intervocalic consonants by speakers of eight European languages. Speech Communication. 52:954-967. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke, Anne Cutler. (2010) Non-native speech perception in adverse conditions: a review. Speech Communication. 52:864-886. Abstract
- Anne Cutler, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2010) Preface to Special Issue on Non-native listening in adverse conditions. Speech Communication. 52:863-863. Abstract
- Esther Gómez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2009) Identification of the contrast full vowel-schwa: training effects and generalization to a new perceptual context. Ilha do Desterro,Special Issue: English interphonology. 55:-. Abstract
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jon Barker. (2008) The foreign language cocktail party problem: energetic and informational masking effects in non-native speech perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 123:414-427. Abstract
- Anne Cutler, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2008) Consonant identification in noise by native and non-native listeners: Effects of local context. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 124(2):1264-1268. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2006) Effect of masker type on native and non-native consonant perception in noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119 (4):2445-2454. Abstract || PDF
- Mercedes Cabrera, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2003) The manifestation of intonational focus in Castilian Spanish. Catalan Journal of Linguistics Monograph on Romance Intonation. 2:33-54. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2000) Identificación del foco entonativo inglés por estudiantes frente a hablantes nativos. Revista U. Mexico. 32:19-28. Abstract
- Jasone Cenoz, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (1999) The acquisition of English pronunciation: learners’ views. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 9:3-17. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (1999) The effect of training on the discrimination of English vowels. International Review of Applied Linguistics. 37, 4:261-275. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (1997) L2 perception of English vowels: testing the validity of Kuhl’s prototypes. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. 10:55-68. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (1997) Traditional British analyses of intonation: a review. Atlantis. 19:103-112. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (1996) Perceptibility of nuclear focus in English. Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies. 8:175-186. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (1995) Perception of accentual focus by Basque L2 learners of English. ASJU. 29, 2:581-598. Abstract
Book Chapters
- Martin Cooke, Jon Barker, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2013) Crowdsourcing in Speech Perception. Ed.: Maxine Eskenazi. Pub.: John Wiley. Pags: -. Abstract || PDF
- Jian Gong, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2011) Towards a quantitative model of Mandarin Chinese perception of English consonants. Ed.: Magdalena Wrembel, Malgorzata Kul and Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk. Pub.: Peter Lang Verlag. Pags: 103-113. Abstract || PDF
- Esther Gómez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2009) Training and generalization effects of English vowel reduction for Spanish listeners. Ed.: Michael A. Watkins, Andreia S. Rauber and Barbara O. Baptista. Pub.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pags: 32-42. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Esther Gómez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2009) Testing the effectiveness of content and language integrated learning in foreign language contexts: assessment of English pronunciation. Ed.: Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. and Jiménez Catalán R.. Pub.: Multilingual Matters. Pags: 63-80. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Esther Gómez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2007) The assessment of foreign accent by native and non-native judges. Ed.: John Maidment. Pub.: London University College. Pags: -. Abstract || PDF
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2006) English double stress perception by Spanish learners vs. native listeners. Ed.: B.O. Baptista & M. A. Watkins. Pub.: John Benjamins. Pags: 57-69. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (2006) Age and native language influence on the perception of English vowels. Ed.: . B.O. Baptista & M. A. Watkins. Pub.: John Benjamins. Pags: 57-69. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2006) Age effects on single phoneme perception for learners of English as a foreign language. Ed.: Christián Abelló-Contesse, Rubén Chacón-Beltrán, M.Dolores López Giménez & M. Mar Torreblanca-López. Pub.: Peter Lang. Pags: 115-131. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2006) Ingelezko bokalen pertzepzioa eta ekoizpena atzerriko hizkuntza gisa: jatorrizko kategoria fonetikoen eta hasteko adinaren eragina. Ed.: Jasone Cenoz & David Lasagabaster. Pub.: Universidad del País Vasco. Pags: 159-175. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (2005) Degree of foreign accent and age of onset in formal school instruction. Ed.: John Maidment. Pub.: London University College. Pags: -. Abstract || PDF
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2004) La discriminación auditiva de vocales y diptongos ingleses (L3) en escolares de distintas edades. Ed.: Elsa González-Álvarez & Andrew Rollings. Pub.: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Pags: 163-169. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2003) Análisis por configuraciones: la escuela británica. Ed.: P. Prieto. Pub.: Ariel. Pags: 35-62. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto. (2003) English FL sounds in school learners of different ages. Ed.: M. P. García Mayo & M. L. García Lecumberri. Pub.: Multilingual Matters. Pags: 115-135. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (2002) Phonetic context variation vs. vowel perception in a foreign language. Ed.: Braun, A. y Masthoff, H.R. Pub.: Franz Steiner Verlag. Pags: 178-188. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (2002) La Influencia del Factor Edad en la Percepción de Vocales y Diptongos Ingleses. Ed.: Jesús Diaz García. Pub.: Universidad de Sevilla. Pags: 204-208. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (2002) L3 English vowel and consonant discrimination in learners with different ages of first exposure. Ed.: Luis Iglesias Rábade & Susana Mª Doval Suárez. Pub.: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Pags: 419-426. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2001) Phonetic Awareness. Ed.: D. Lasagabaster & J. Sierrra. Pub.: Servicio Pubicaciones de UPV/EHU. Pags: 237-251. Abstract
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz. (2001) English simple vowel discrimination in learners with different ages of first exposure to EFL. Ed.: Angel Mateos-Aparicio & Silvia Molina Plaza. Pub.: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Pags: -. Abstract
Conference Papers
- Jian Gong, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2016) Can intensive exposure to foreign language sounds affect the perception of native sounds?. Interspeech San Francisco. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Jon Barker, Ricard Marxer, Martin Cooke. (2016) Language effects in noise-induced word misperceptions. Interspeech San Francisco. Abstract || PDF
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2016) The effects of modified speech styles on intelligibility for non-native listeners. Interspeech San Francisco. Abstract || PDF
- Mirjam Wester, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2015) /u/-fronting in English speakers’ L1but not in L2.. Int. Cong. Phonetic Sciences Glasgow. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Roberto Barra Chicote, Rubén Pérez Ramón, Junichi Yamagishi, Martin Cooke. (2014) Generating segmental foreign accent. Interspeech Singapore. Abstract || PDF
- Mirjam Wester, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2014) DIAPIX-FL: A Symmetric Corpus of Problem-Solving Dialogues in First and Second Languages.. Interspeech Singapore. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Máté Attila Tóth, Yan Tang, Martin Cooke. (2013) Elicitation and analysis of a corpus of robust noise-induced word misperceptions in Spanish. Interspeech Lyon, France. Abstract || PDF
- Esther Gómez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2012) Over/generalization effects in the production of English weak and full vowels in unstressed syllables after vowel reduction training: evidence for L2 sound learning in progress. EUROSLA 22 Poznan, Poland. Abstract
- Vincent Aubanel, Martin Cooke, Emma Foster, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Catherine Mayo. (2012) Effects of the availability of visual information and presence of competing conversations on speech production. Interspeech Portland, US. Abstract || PDF
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Yan Tang, Mirjam Wester. (2012) Do non-native listeners benefit from speech modifications designed to promote intelligibility for native listeners. Proc. Int. Workshop on the Listening Talker Edinburgh. Abstract || PDF
- Vincent Aubanel, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Catherine Mayo, Robert Clark. (2012) Lombard and temporal effects in concurrent conversations. Proc. Int. Workshop on the Listening Talker Edinburgh. Abstract || PDF
- Martin Cooke, Jon Barker, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Krzysztof Wasilewski. (2011) Crowdsourcing for word recognition in noise. Interspeech Florence. Abstract || PDF
- Vincent Aubanel, Martin Cooke, Julian Villegas, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2011) Conversing in the presence of a competing conversation: effects on speech production. Interspeech Florence, Italy. Abstract
- Jian Gong, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2011) A computational modelling approach to the development of L2 sound acquisition. Int. Conf. Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) Hong Kong. Abstract || PDF
- Joanna Sankowska, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2011) Vowel shortening in altered speech modes elicited via an interactive task. Int. Conf. Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) Hong Kong. Abstract || PDF
- Argiñe González, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe. (2011) Phonological Attrition in Spanish and Basque with English as L2. AESLA Salamanca. Abstract
- Maria Paola Bissiri, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke, Jan Volín. (2011) The Role of Word-Initial Glottal Stops in Recognizing English Words. Interspeech 2011 Florence, Italy. Abstract || PDF
- Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Esther Gómez Lacabex. (2011) Los profesores de lengua extranjera no-nativos y la evaluación de la pronunciación. 29th AESLA Conference University of Salamanca. Abstract
- Jian Gong, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2010) Towards a quantitative model of Mandarin Chinese perception of English consonants. New Sounds Poznan, Poland. Abstract || PDF
- Joanna Sankowska, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2010) Interaction of intrinsic vowel and consonant durational correlates with foreigner directed speech. New Sounds Poznan, Poland. Abstract || PDF
- Argiñe González, Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2010) Adquisición del componente fonético del inglés en entornos naturales: factores contextuales e individuales. Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) Vigo. Abstract
- Argiñe González, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe. (2010) Phonetic attrition in Spanish with English as L2 or L3 in a natural setting. New Sounds Poznan (Poland). Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2008) The effect of training in noise on foreign language consonantacquisition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Paris. Abstract || PDF
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke, W. Van Dommelen, O. Scharenborg, F. Cutugno. (2008) The non-native consonant challenge for European languages. INTERSPEECH Brisbane (Australia). Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2007) Effect of cross-word context on plosive identification in noise for native and non-native listeners. ICPhS 07 Saarbrucken. Abstract
- Anne Cutler, Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Dennis Pasveer. (2007) L2 consonant identification in noise: cross-language comparisons. Interspeech Antwerp. Abstract
- E. Gomez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2007) Perception of English vowel reduction by trained Spanish learners. New Sounds 2007: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech Florianópolis, Brasil. Abstract || PDF
- E. Gomez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke. (2005) English vowel reduction by untrained Spanish learners: perception and production. PTLC London. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, John Maidment, Martin Cooke, Anders Ericsson, Mircea Giurgiu. (2003) A web-based transcription tool. Int. Congress Phonetic Science Barcelona. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, Martin Cooke, J. Maidment. (2003) Transcripción fonémica en internet. VIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social Santiago de Cuba. Abstract
- Martin Cooke, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, J. Maidment. (2001) A tool for automatic feedback on phonemic transcription. Interspeech Aalborg. Abstract
- Mª Luisa García Lecumberri. (2000) An experiment on stress-shift perception by English FL vs NL speakers. New Sounds Amsterdam. Abstract